270 times Homo Universalis in Nijmegen
What will a scientist look like in the future? 270 international young scientists answered this and other questions during the CPR co-organized ENABLE conference in Nijmegen. The conference - organized by young researchers for young researchers - showed that a new generation of researchers is eager to make science available to the public.

Leaving the ivory tower of science and solving questions that matter - scientists of the future assure that their research results will be available to everyone and proved they are ready for it: the ENABLE participants discussed medical-societal problems in pubs and visited an elderly home to explain recent advances in biomedical research. The young generation was also targeted when high school students visited the anatomical museum and the imaging center PRIME.
Scientists from all over Europe
This was the 3rd ENABLE conference and 270 young researchers from Europe convened and shared their research in life sciences with each other and the people of Nijmegen on 11-15 November 2019. Experienced scientists shared their tips and tricks with the new generation and contributed to the discussions about the scientist of the future.
The ENABLE conference is unique because it is completely organized by young researchers for young researchers. The conference, outreach activities and career day are all part of the ENABLE project that receives funding from the European Commission (Grant Agreement 724115). CPR is one of four institutes in the ENABLE project and organized the conference in 2018.