2024.06.25 New Gene-Editing Tool Could Revolutionize Genetic Disease Treatment Scientists at Novo Nordisk Foundation Centre for Protein Research in Copenhagen publish major study…
Research 1:1 2023.04.05 Snapshots of the smallest programmable nuclease TnpB published in Nature A team led by Professor Virginijus Šikšnys from Vilnius University Life Sciences Center (VU LSC)…
Grants 2023.03.30 Guillermo Montoya receives prestigious ERC Advanced Grant Three researchers at SUND have been awarded with the highly prestigious European Research Council's…
Cancer 2022.09.20 Three proteins join forces to spread cancer. Now scientists may destroy them With cryo-electron microscopy, it is possible to examine proteins more than a 1,000 times smaller…
Research 1:1 2022.06.13 Novel insight into cell killing by anticancer agents PP2A is a known tumor suppressor and given that its function is suppressed in many cancers, there i…
Grants 2022.05.06 Nine young SUND-researchers receive millions to ignite career Lundbeck Foundation Postdocs research grants are aimed at young, highly qualified scientists workin…
CRISPR 2021.08.05 ‘Bacterial arch-enemy’ paves the way for new gene editing Researchers from the University of Copenhagen have mapped the structure of CRISPR-Cas12j to know…
artificial intelligence 2020.11.03 New Danish AI tool provides much-needed help to protein scientists across the world Sorting huge amounts of data is a bottleneck in protein research, a field that is crucial to make…
Spin-out 2020.09.22 CPR CRISPR spin-out accepted in BioInnovation Institute program BioInnovation Institute (BII) has accepted CPR spin-out company Twelve Bio in the Creation House…
CRISPR 2020.07.29 Researchers map mechanisms in the largest CRISPR system The largest and most complex CRISPR system has been visualized by researchers from the University o…
TwelveBIO 2019.11.19 New startup company to refine gene editing tool for diagnostics and treatment A spin-out company from the University of Copenhagen called TwelveBIO has set out to improve CRISPR…
Cancer 2019.10.03 Large-scale mapping of protein networks behind tumor growth in the lungs Lung cancer is the biggest cause of cancer-related deaths in the world. There were 2 million new…
2019.10.01 New insights into substrate selection for an essential protein phosphatase A multi-disciplinary research team headed by Professor Jakob Nilsson from Novo Nordisk Foundation…
Bacteria 2019.09.24 New discoveries map out CRISPR-Cas defence systems in bacteria For the first time ever, researchers at the University of Copenhagen have mapped how bacterial cell…
2019.05.08 Montoya receives grant to sharpen CRISPR-scissors Professor Guillermo Montoya from Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research has been…
Grants 2019.05.08 Eight Grants for Research in Bioscience, Metabolism, and Clinical Practice Eight researchers from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, have…
Genetic Research 2018.11.29 New Research Could Fine-Tune the Gene Scissors CRISPR When researchers and doctors use the tool CRISPR to correct genetic errors, it may have side effect…
2018.10.25 Cryo-Electron Microscope in Videnskab.dk Read about our Cryo-Electron Microscope in Videnskap.dk
Protein research 2018.06.29 Enzyme may get key role in drug design for breast cancer and brain condition In recent years, researchers have focussed on the enzyme TLK2 suspecting it of playing a main role…
2018.05.31 Talented CPR Researcher Wins This Year’s Danscatt Award Today PhD Pablo Alcón from the Protein Structure and Function programme receives the Danscatt Award…
Protein research 2018.05.14 Professor Guillermo Montoya elected member of EMBO Today EMBO (the European Molecular Biology Organization) releases the list of new members who have…
Up Close and Personal 2017.11.23 Ground-breaking Microscope Ready for Use SUND’s new cryo-electron microscope was inaugurated on Monday by Dean Ulla Wewer, CEO of the Novo…
2017.10.16 Breaking down the CRISPR-Cas mechanism Researchers Guillermo Montoya, Pablo Alcón and Stefano Stella from Novo Nordisk Foundation Center…
Gene editing 2017.06.01 Researchers from the Montoya group decipher how a new molecular tool edits your genome A new protein of the CRISPR-Cas family upgrades the possibilities for genome modification a la…
Structural Biology 2017.03.23 New Structural Biology Cluster at the University of Copenhagen The University of Copenhagen is establishing a new cluster, ISBUC, which compiles researchers from…
Grant 2017.01.27 New cutting-edge microscope at the Faculty of Health and Medical Science Novo Nordisk Foundation donates a DKK 60 mio (7.8 mio €) grant to the University of Copenhagen…
Research profile 2017.01.26 A pioneer in uncovering the human body’s smallest building blocks Guillermo Montoya has dedicated his life to finding out how the smallest building blocks of our bod…
2016.07.26 Novel insight into protein phosphatase substrate recognition published by the Nilsson group in Molecular Cell Protein phosphatases play important roles in cellular signaling as they remove phosphorylations fro…
Immune system 2016.01.25 Novel protein complex generates antibody diversity Antibody class-switching is crucial for generating certain types of antibodies, such as IgG, that…
2015.05.19 Danish Cancer Society awards to 4 Researchers from Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research Associate Professor, MSc., ph.d. Jeremy Austin Daniel from Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for…
2015.03.12 Montoya group publishes in Nature Communications Today the crystal structure of p15-PAF in complex with PCNA has been published in Nature…
2014.12.09 Visualizing phosphodiester-bond hydrolysis by an endonuclease A press release from CNIO the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre reveals how a group of…