Global, site-resolved analysis of ubiquitylation occupancy and turnover rate reveals systems properties

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Ubiquitylation regulates most proteins and biological processes in a eukaryotic cell. However, the site-specific occupancy (stoichiometry) and turnover rate of ubiquitylation have not been quantified. Here we present an integrated picture of the global ubiquitylation site occupancy and half-life. Ubiquitylation site occupancy spans over four orders of magnitude, but the median ubiquitylation site occupancy is three orders of magnitude lower than that of phosphorylation. The occupancy, turnover rate, and regulation of sites by proteasome inhibitors are strongly interrelated, and these attributes distinguish sites involved in proteasomal degradation and cellular signaling. Sites in structured protein regions exhibit longer half-lives and stronger upregulation by proteasome inhibitors than sites in unstructured regions. Importantly, we discovered a surveillance mechanism that rapidly and site-indiscriminately deubiquitylates all ubiquitin-specific E1 and E2 enzymes, protecting them against accumulation of bystander ubiquitylation. The work provides a systems-scale, quantitative view of ubiquitylation properties and reveals general principles of ubiquitylation-dependent governance.

Original languageEnglish
Issue number11
Pages (from-to)2875-2892.e21
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Authors

    Research areas

  • cell signaling, dynamics, mass spectrometry, occupancy, posttranslational modification, proteomics, turnover rate, ubiquitin signaling, ubiquitylation

ID: 394713186