2018.08.29 Nielsen group report serine ADP-ribosylation as regulatory targets of PARP inhibitors in the DNA damage response ADP-ribosylation is a post-translational modification that plays an important role in several…
2018.05.09 CPR Researchers Receive Funding from the Independent Research Fund Denmark This year three researchers from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research (CPR)…
2017.06.13 A phosphorylation switch protects the genome during cell division A phosphorylation switch protects the genome during cell division The ability to correctly pass o…
2017.06.12 Olsen Group defines the HeLa cell proteome Most popular and famous human cell line gets its complete proteome defined The world’s most famous…
2017.01.23 Researchers from the Nielsen group detail the human SUMO proteome An emerging concept of modern biology relates to the systematic understanding of cellular networks…
2016.08.31 CPR researchers reveal new insights to the role of arginine methylation in disease occurrence & progression The arginine methylation story published by the Nielsen group is featured on the cover of Science…
2015.09.02 Novel model for PAR-induced dynamic reorganization of the nucleus around sites of DNA damage An international team of researchers led by Jiri Lukas and Matthias Altmeyer introduces a novel rol…
2015.07.06 Nielsen group details the consequences of biotin deprivation in metabolic disorders using high-res mass spectrometry Hst4p translocates to mitochondria upon biotin deprivation The essential vitamin biotin is a…
2014.07.29 The NBS1-Treacle complex controls ribosomal RNA transcription in response to DNA damage In an advance online publication, researchers from Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein…
2014.01.24 Specificity and commonality of the phosphoinositide-binding proteome analyzed by quantitative mass spectrometry High-resolution quantitative mass spectrometry has been used by Associate Professor, Michael Lund…
2013.09.19 Identifying poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation targets during genotoxic stress Associate Professor Nielsen´s research team in the Department of Proteomics, in collaboration with…