2014.12.09 Visualizing phosphodiester-bond hydrolysis by an endonuclease A press release from CNIO the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre reveals how a group of scientists under Guillermo Montoya (formerly CNIO now Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, Faculty of Health…
2014.12.08 New insight into cancer defense mechanism published by Nilsson group in Nature Communications Researchers from Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research have identified a new mechanism that ensures that when cells divide, the genomic material passes correctly to the resulting daughter cells. The…
2014.10.29 Two new proteomics technology papers published by Olsen Group The Group of Prof. Jesper V. Olsen published two technical notes in Journal of Proteome Research describing new Q Exactive HF mass spectrometric instrumentation and proteomics sample fractionation strategy. 1. High pH…
2014.07.29 The NBS1-Treacle complex controls ribosomal RNA transcription in response to DNA damage In an advance online publication, researchers from Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research and University of Zurich shed light on the mechanism behind the shutdown of ribosomal RNA synthesis that is observed…
2014.06.26 Temporal disease trajectories condensed from population-wide registry data covering 6.2 million patients STEP BY STEP Researchers from the University of Copenhagen and the Technical University of Denmark have followed six million Danes for 15 years through patient and disease registers. Studies in the complex data…
2014.06.22 Annotation of GWAS loci by tissue-specific quantitative interaction proteomics Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research scientists in international collaboration team behind back-to-back articles published in this week’s Nature Genetics and Nature Methods on a new method for gene…
2014.05.28 Functional and Structural Properties of a Novel Protein and Virulence Factor (sHIP) in Streptococcus pyogenes Publication by research group at Novo Nordisk Founation Center for Protein Reseach on novel virulence factor in the pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes published in Journal of Biological Chemistry
2014.02.24 SUMOylation Dynamics during Cell-Cycle Progression The group of Prof. Jesper V. Olsen at Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research at University of Copenhagen has in collaboration with the group of Associate Prof. Alfred Vertegaal at Leiden University Medical…
2014.02.17 Novel insights into the recruitment of checkpoint proteins to the kinetochore The proper distribution of chromosomes to the two new daughter cells depends on the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). Failure in the checkpoint results in aneuploid cells that is a hallmark of solid tumors and…
2014.01.30 A direct role of Mad1 in the spindle assembly checkpoint beyond Mad2 kinetochore recruitment By using advanced imaging techniques and artificially bypassing the role of the Mad1 protein in recruiting Mad2 to kinetochores researchers from the Jakob Nilsson group at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein…
2014.01.27 Stable MCC binding to the APC/C is required for a functional spindle assembly checkpoint During cell division the duplicated genetic material in the form of sister chromatids have to be accurately segregated to the two new daughter cells. Failure in this is detrimental and can give rise to cancer and is a…